Winter accessories from Pro Lift: Hilltip ploughs and spreaders

Add the essential accessories for winter conditions to your vehicle in Pro Lift - Hilltip spreader and plough.

If you want to offer a wider range of services to your customers, add the essential accessories for winter conditions – a Hilltip spreader and a snow plough – to your vehicle at Pro Lift.

Hilltip spreaders and ploughs help to significantly expand the range of services offered. Suitable for SUVs as well as smaller special vehicles, these machines offer flexibility and reliability for winter work.

Müügijuht Andrus Malva (+372 5620 7700, sõnul on Hilltipi praktiline pealisehitus paigaldatud enam kui 100 sõidukile: „Hilltipi suur eelis on nende Soome taust – tootearenduses arvestatakse keeruliste ja kiiresti muutuvate ilmastikutingimustega. Nagu me teame, saabuvad lumi ja jää alati ootamatult. Seetõttu on varustuse paigaldamine tehtud võimalikult lihtsaks – tavaline maastur võib hetkega muutuda tõhusaks talviseks abivahendiks.”

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