Product catalogue
Carefully selected suppliers of superstructure parts enable us to create reliable and durable solutions.
Completed jobs
Over the past 20 years, we have carried out various types of superstructure solutions on more than 2000 vehicles.
Our company in numbers
experienced specialists
completed works
We are your reliable partner in the field of lifting equipment and superstructures, offering professional solutions and high-quality service. We design and install superstructures for trucks, tractors, off-road vehicles, and special-purpose vehicles. Our superstructures cover solutions for lifting and loading operations, road maintenance, cargo transport, rescue work, tipper transport, waste management, and many other specialized needs.
Pro Lift OÜ – superstructure expert
- Pro Lift OÜ is a leading specialist in the design, installation, maintenance, repair, and restoration of superstructures. We offer comprehensive solutions, including the import and sale of superstructure and lifting equipment spare parts.
- Our experience includes more than 2,000 successfully completed superstructure projects across various fields – road maintenance, snow and ice removal, lifting equipment, construction, special transport, and much more.
- At the Pro Lift showroom, you will find a wide selection of superstructure and lifting equipment spare parts, ensuring a reliable solution for every need.
Follow us on social media @proliftou #ProLift #BodiesForProfessionals

🌱 Kevad on õhus! See tähendab, et peagi ootavad TREV-2 Grupp teehooldeveokeid ees suvisemad ülesanded ning sahad ja pui ...
sturi saab uut hooaega panna ootama.
🚛 Tutvu Pro Liftis paigaldatud pealisehitusega teehooldeveokitega lähemalt: prolift.ee – Tehtud tööd – TREV-2 sadulveokitele sahad ja Epoke puisturid Pro Liftist
🌱 Pian TREV-2 Groupin tienhoitokuorma-autoja odottavat kesäisemmät tehtävät, ja aurat sekä suolalevittimet voidaan laittaa odottamaan seuraavaa kautta. 🚛 Pro Liftin asentamilla päällirakenteilla varustetut tienhoitoajoneuvot mukautuvat helposti kausiluonteisiin töihin: 🔗 prolift.ee/fi – Tehdyt työt
🇬🇧 TREV-2 Group's road maintenance trucks will soon take on more summery tasks, while the plows and spreaders can be set aside until the next season. 🚛 Check out the road maintenance trucks equipped with Pro Lift superstructures: 🔗 prolift.ee – Completed Jobs
#prolift #bodiesforprofessionals #trev2 #trucks
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MÜÜA: Uus Iveco Eurocargo 4X4 koos HMF tõstukiga 🚛
Pro Lift OÜ ja Iv Pluss AS koostöös on valminud uus demoveok, mil ...
le pealisehituseks HMF 1120 K5 tõstuk koos korvisüsteemi ja madelkastiga - suurepärane valik elektri-, hooldus- ja ehitustöödeks. ⚡
🔴 Tutvu lähemalt: https://prolift.ee/ - Tehtud tööd - MÜÜA: HMF tõstuki ja platvormiga ehitusveok Iveco Eurocargo 4×4 + Küsimuste korral võta ühendust 📧 info@prolift.ee
#prolift #bodiesforprofessionals #forsale
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🌨️❄️ Fortal hoolitseb linnaruumi eest aastaringselt! 🌿🚜
Libedusetõrje, lume koristus, haljasalade hooldus, mu ...
runiitmine, kastmine ja teede korrashoid – Fortali paindlik masinapark ja Pro Lifti pealisehitused tagavad tõhusad tulemused iga ilmaga. 👉 Vaata rohkem: prolift.ee - Tehtud tööd
🇬🇧 Fortal keeps urban spaces in top shape all year round! 🌿🚜 Ice prevention, snow clearing, green area maintenance, lawn mowing, irrigation, and road upkeep – Fortal’s flexible fleet with Pro Lift superstructures ensures efficient results in any season. 👉 prolift.ee - Completed Jobs
🇫🇮 Fortal pitää kaupunkiympäristön kunnossa ympäri vuoden! 🌿🚜 Liukkaudentorjunta, lumenpoisto, viheralueiden hoito, nurmikonleikkuu, kastelu ja teiden kunnossapito – Fortalin joustava kalusto ja Pro Liftin päällirakenteet takaavat tehokkaan työnjäljen kaikkina vuodenaikoina. 👉 Lue lisää: prolift.ee
#ProLift #Fortal #Bodiesforprofiessionals
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In Estonia: Mon-Fri 8:00 - 17:00 / +372 683 7705 / info@prolift.ee
In Latvia: Mon-Fri 8:00 - 17:00 / +371 6711 2701 / info@prolift.lv
Are you looking for an answer to a question or would you like a consultation? Contact us!